Backyard Baseball We Want A Batter

Backyard Baseball takes you back to when you were a kid, when baseball was a game, and the team was hastily put together among the kids in the neighborhood. Playing for Real Humongous Entertainment reached back into the past and captured all those childhood memories of baseball and digitally assembled them into this game. Baseball Batter Up Bird Bath Garden Sculpture Baseball Teig Vogel Bad Garten Skulptur. This is the car I want when I get older! Baseball Design VW Beetle: Not a fan of the car but on a big lifted truck this would be SICK. Sign says: We are a baseball Family Our house smells like a gym There is mud in.

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  1. Backyard Basketball
3 / 5 - 10 votes

Description of Backyard Basketball Windows

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Home Run Park

Imagine a game where the players play for the love of the game, not the money. A game where multi-million dollar contracts are unknown. A game where everyone gets to play. Imagine a game just like it was with the youthful innocence of a child. This, my friends, is Backyard Baseball. Backyard Baseballtakes you back to when you were a kid, when baseball was a game, and the team was hastily put together among the kids in the neighborhood.

Playing for Real

Humongous Entertainment reached back into the past and captured all those childhood memories of baseball and digitally assembled them into this game. All the details that make the memories real are here - from the kids taunting the pitcher to the child with the asthma inhaler. Do you remember picking teams, taking turns picking from the best players until only the bad players were left? Do you remember picking someone's little brother because his big brother was a good player? It's all here. Nothing was left out.

Players choose from fields such as the sandlot, the urban parking lot, and the rich kid's backyard. Pitchers throw crazy pitches such as the 'Elevator' and the 'Crazy Ball.' Background ambient noises and the taunting by the opposing team add to the rich atmosphere that you can almost smell.

Everything about this game is charming and cute.

Swing and Miss

Gameplay includes all the necessary elements. Pitchers choose the pitch as well as the placement. Hitters swing at the ball and can even see the strike zone. Fielding is accomplished by clicking where you want the ball thrown, and running is as simple as clicking in the direction you want the runner to advance. Everything is here, and everything is easy enough for kids. The pace is a little slow, but not too fast for children. Each batter has a distinct personality - from the boy who hops to the plate to the girl who says 'my game is really tennis, anyway' when she strikes out. I was extremely impressed with all the details of each character.

I have a few complaints about the game. This game doesn't install any files to the hard disk - everything is run from the CD. For some reason, each swing of the bat causes the CD to be read. This makes the animation choppy and the mouse click to hit feels sluggish and unresponsive. While the game is playable with this problem, it makes hitting the ball a little difficult. Instead of getting better the more balls I hit, I never really improved. I think this is because I never was able to time when I hit the mouse button and the player started their swing. That little delay when it read from the CD just ruins the hand/eye coordination.

I tried copying the entire 270MB of CD data to the hard disk to see if that improved performance (note: this is not an option in the install menu, I just copied it by dragging the contents of the CD into a new folder on my hard disk.) It did speed up the game somewhat, but the batting problem didn't improve significantly.

I also encountered one bug: I hit a ball that bounced infield, then over the fence for what should have been a double. The announcer even stated this was a double, but the runner advanced only to first.

Worthy of Praise

This game is terrific and has all the elements of a Gold Medal winner. But I can't do it. The delay in clicking the mouse and the batter swinging the ball just ruins it for me. I still like the game a lot and highly recommend it, but a Gold Medal is for games without such evident flaws. I guess I'm mad because this should have been corrected. Even a little play testing would have shown that this was a problem. Instead, we are left with what could have been a 'Game of the Year,' but instead fails to deliver on one very important game element.

This is still an outstanding game and I recommend it strongly.


Review By GamesDomain

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Comments and reviews

DrDude2020-01-030 point

This game works pretty well if you just run it from the game file, not with Scummvm or dosbox

Yntec2019-03-063 points

Just like GOPPY and TOONE said before me, game doesn't work (crashes when trying to save the coach.) Plus, it's heavy because it's a Basquetball+Football bundle. Don't waste your time!

goppy2018-07-242 points

game is broken. This game seems to be broken. Can not start a season mode game and no players appear on the court when i do single player.


Toone2018-05-171 point

This game seems to be broken. Can not start a season mode game plus once a quick game is started no players appear on the court.

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Backyard Baseball We Want A Batter Video

Download Backyard Basketball Windows

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Windows Version

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Backyard Baseball is a software released in 1997 by Humongous Entertainment.


Sunny Day[edit]

  • I think we're all ready to play some baseball!
  • It's time to get down with your favorite baseball players!
  • (custom player) steps up to bat.
  • (when the computer player's turn to bat ends) Alright, it's our turn now!
  • (player hits a home run) Goodbye, baseball!

Vinny the Gooch[edit]

  • Waaaaiiit a minute. The Gooch does not under any circumstances say 'Hi ho'. Sunny Day may be saying 'Hi ho', but The Gooch just says YO!
  • Vinny da Gooch is lovin' that!
  • (describing Pablo) Even though the Secret Weapon doesn't speak any English, we all know he's a rad dude!
  • (describing Achmed) Achmed is one of the best hitters on the team!
  • This young batter means business.
  • (when a homerun happens) I don't know what kind of pitch that was, but it tasted just like chicken!
  • (when a player gets out) He/She was robbed!
  • (when a player makes it home) Sweet as candy i tell ya! I like candy, everybody likes candy. That's why Halloween is such a popular holiday!
  • (describing Sunny Day) What she means is she's never gonna stop yapping.
  • (when a homerun happens) Aloha means goodbye, baby.
  • (when a strike happens) It was in there like swimwear.

Backyard Kids[edit]

Achmed Khan[edit]

  • (getting picked) Let's rock 'n roll! (Amir Khan also says this)
  • I wanna rock! Rock! (scats) I wanna rock!
  • (after getting struck out) Aw man, I blew it!
  • (stepping up to bat) I'm gonna smack this one! (Amir Khan also says this)
  • (stepping up to bat) This one's outta here! (Amir Khan also says this)

Amir Khan[edit]

  • (getting picked) Groovy!
  • (after getting struck out) I hope Achmed didn't see that!
  • (after getting struck out) Major bummer! (Achmed Khan also says this)

Angela Delvecchio[edit]

  • (during the chatter) Hey, we wanna batter, not the broken ladder, y'know!
  • (striking out a batter) Hey, what'd I tell ya?
  • (striking out a batter) Ba-da-bing-ba-da-boom! Bye-Bye, batter!
  • (stepping up to bat) I'm gonna smack this one for sure.
  • (after getting struck out) No way that's gonna happen again!
  • (stepping up to bat) You guys in the outfield better move back.
  • (after getting struck out) Don't say a word.
  • (getting tired) Okay, I know I'm good, but my arm needs a rest before it turns into a big noodle.

Annie Frazier[edit]

  • (getting picked) Sweet!
  • (stepping up to bat) I'm looking for a kind hit here, pitcher!
  • (stepping up to bat) Come on, pitcher, hook me up!
  • (getting tired) Hey, I'm pooped. I need a sub.
  • (getting tired) Can I get a sub out here? My arm is toast.

Ashley/Sidney Webber[edit]

  • (one of the twins getting picked) Goody! Now pick my sister Ashley/Sidney too!
  • (the other twin getting picked) Oh, goody! Ashley/Sidney and I are on the same team!
  • (only one twin getting picked) Goody!
  • (during the chatter) We've got spirit, yes we do. We've got spirit, how 'bout you?
  • (stepping up to bat) I'm gonna crush this one!
  • (stepping up to bat) I'm gonna smash the ball outta here!
  • (after getting struck out) Tennis is my sport anyway.
  • (getting tired) Say, my tennis elbow is acting up.

Billy Jean Blackwood[edit]

  • (stepping up to bat) Y'all better step back a few!
  • (after getting struck out) That's okay. I didn't wanna run anyway.
  • (getting tired) Yoo-hoo! My arm's getting tired out here!
  • (striking out a batter) Sorry, I'm just doin' my job.

Dante Robinson[edit]

Backyard Baseball We Want A Batter Day

  • (during the chatter) I see London, I see France, I see your underpants!
  • Just gimme a minute! I'm still hungry!
  • (stepping up to bat) I'm turning that ball into creamed corn!
  • (stepping up to bat) Bring on the meat!
  • (after getting struck out) Next time!
  • You should pick me. I've got a pretty good arm!
  • (getting picked) Let's dig in!
  • My name is Dante, but the kids call me 'Stretch'. I guess that's supposed to be a joke!
  • One time, I ate a whole turkey! Bet you didn't know that!
  • (striking out a batter) Smooth like butter!
  • (striking out a batter) Chew on that, tough guy!
  • (getting tired) Whew! I'm running out of juice!
  • (getting tired) I'm getting noodle arm!
  • (on the mound) Eat this!

Dmitri Petrovich[edit]

  • (striking out a batter) Indeed, I achieved the proper ball spin.
  • (after getting struck out) It appears as if I need to rethink my strategy.
  • (during the chatter) May I remind you that the primary objective is to hit the ball?
  • (not getting picked) I must admit I am a bit disappointed.
  • (bored on the field) Please, cease this foolishness and just FORFEIT THE GAME!!!!

Gretchen Hasselhoff[edit]

  • (getting picked) Goodygoodygoodygoodygoody! (Goody goody goody goody goody!)
  • MymomnamedmeGretchenafterhergrandmanamedGretchen. (My mom named me Gretchen after her great grandmother named Gretchen.)
  • (stepping up to bat) I'mgonnasmackthisoneouttasight. (I'm gonna smack this one outta sight.)
  • (getting tired, talks more slowly than usual) Um... I'm tired.

Jocinda Smith[edit]

  • (stepping up to bat) Watch this homerun!
  • (getting picked) Hey, alright! (Kimmy Eckman also says this)
  • (stepping up to bat) It's time for a homerun!
  • (getting tired) My arm is toast!
  • (getting tired) My arm is spent! How 'bout a sub?

Jorge Garcia[edit]

  • I don't like to swim and I don't like to get dirty.
  • (getting picked) I suppose I'll play, but I don't want to get dirty, OK?
  • (unprovoked) Did you guys see the map of Hawaii that Justin Verlander painted on Kate Upton’s lower back?

Kenny Kawaguchi[edit]

  • (getting picked) Alright! Thanks, buddy!
  • (stepping up to bat) Here I go!
  • (stepping up to bat) Okay, pitcher, give me one right over the center!
  • (after getting struck out) Boy, I messed up.
  • (after getting struck out) I'll do better next time.
  • (striking out a batter) I'm good.
  • (on the mound) I'm gonna get you, batter!
  • (getting tired) Man, I don't wanna complain, but my arm is tired.
  • (getting tired) I could use a sub right about now.

Kiesha Phillips[edit]

  • (stepping up to bat) Heeeeerree's... Kiesha!
  • (during the chatter) Watch out, Batman! Here comes the Joker!
  • (during the chatter) Say, what's up, Doc?
  • (stepping up to bat) Baseball been very very good to me.
  • (after getting struck out) You are Despicable!
  • (after getting struck out) Coises! Foiled again!
  • (getting tired) I need a sub and I'm not talking lunch here!
  • (getting tired) I can't take much more of this, captain!

Kimmy Eckman[edit]

Backyard Baseball We Want A Batter Game

  • My name's Kimmy and I like candy.
  • (stepping up to bat) This one's going to miles!
  • (after getting struck out) Darn, darn, darn it!
  • (getting tired) Come on, coach! I'm dying out here!
  • (on the mound) I'm gonna blow this one right by!
  • (getting tired) Hey, kid! My arm's getting tired!

Lisa Crocket[edit]

  • (not getting picked) Whatever.
  • (stepping up to bat and on the mound) Here goes nothing.
  • Leave me alone.
  • (getting tired) How about a sub, ace?
  • (getting picked) Neat.
  • (getting tired) I'm tired. Give me a sub.

Luanne Lui[edit]

  • Aww, I wuv you!
  • (striking out a batter) I got you! Neenoo Neenoo!
  • (on the mound) Neenoo Neenoo! Baddo Waddo!
  • (after getting stuck out) Me gonna cwy...
  • (getting picked) Did you heew that, Teddy? We got picked!
  • (stepping up to the plate) This one's fo you, Teddy!
  • (getting tired) Teddy says it's time fo his nap. So we need a sub.
  • (on the mound) Oh, I wuv pwaying basebaw!

Maria Luna[edit]

  • (stepping up to bat) Okay. I'm gonna knock the stuffing outta this one!
  • (stepping up to bat) Okay. This time, I'm gonna hit like a pinata!
  • (after getting struck out) Ay-yi-yi!
  • (striking out a batter) I... Got... You.
  • (getting tired) Hey there, I'm tired.
  • (after getting struck out) That's no good!

Mikey Thomas[edit]

  • The kids call me Nugget, but my real name is Michael Rhett Thomas.
  • (getting picked) You're my friend!
  • (not getting picked) I'm telling my mom!
  • (stepping up to bat) I've gotta get on base!
  • (stepping up to bat) I want right down the middle for me!
  • (after getting struck out) No fair! I'm telling my mom!
  • (after getting struck out) That's okay.
  • (getting tired) I'm tired of pitching now.
  • (striking out a batter) I'm pretty good, huh?

Pablo Sanchez[edit]

  • (stepping up to bat) ¡Adiós, béisbol! (Goodbye, baseball!)
  • (getting picked) ¡Excelente! (Excellent!)
  • Soy Pablo. ¿Quieres jugar? (I'm Pablo. You wanna play?)
  • (striking out a batter) ¡Adios!
  • (when the player clicks him on the player cards section while holding shift) Okay, don't tell the other kids, but uh... I speak English. I learn Spanish in school.
  • (taunting from the field) creo que no qieres jugar (I don't think you wanna play)
  • (after getting struck out) Este bate no sirve para nada! (This bat is useless!)
  • (getting picked) Vamos a ganar! (We are going to win!)

Pete Wheeler[edit]

  • (getting picked) Uh... huh?
  • (getting picked) So whose team am I on?
  • (stepping up to bat) I'm gonna hit a touchdown!
  • (during the chatter) Bet ya can't hit a touchdown!
  • (during the chatter) Ra ra ra! Go, team!
  • (stepping up to bat) Uh, what am I supposed to do again?
  • (after getting struck out) Now what?
  • (striking out a batter) Uhh... Whoops.
  • (getting tired) Uhh... I don't wanna throw the ball no more.

Backyard Baseball We Want A Batter Recipe

Ronny Dobbs[edit]

  • Know what's neat? Aw, nothing.
  • (during the chatter) Miss it! Miss it! Now you gotta kiss it!
  • (after getting picked) Neat. I get to play.
  • (stepping up to bat) I'm going to hit this one two hundred gazillion miles!
  • (stepping up to bat) Neener-Neener! You can't strike me out!
  • (after getting struck out) No fair!
  • (getting tired) I'm getting sleepy.
  • (striking out a batter) I'm pretty good for a little guy.
  • (after getting struck out) I don't wanna play anymore!
  • (getting tired) I don't wanna pitch anymore.

Sally Dobbs[edit]

  • (after getting struck out) I could've hit a home run if I wanted to.
  • (getting tired) I need a sub. I don't have the same energy as some of the younger kids, you know?
  • (getting tired) I'm getting kinda tired of pitching.

Stephanie Morgan[edit]

  • I don't know why...
  • (during the chatter) Hey, batter!
  • (during the chatter) My, oh my!
  • (stepping up to bat) As you can tell, I modeled my stance after the great Babe Ruth.
  • (after getting struck out) How Humiliating!
  • (after getting struck out) Oh well. I'm sure Cal had his bad days, I suppose.
  • (getting tired) My daddy says I shouldn't pitch for too long.

Tony Delvecchio[edit]

  • (during the chatter) Be-au-ti-ful!
  • (getting tired) What're ya tryin' to do, kill me? I need a sub here!
  • (during the chatter) Hey, Slick, swing, why don't ya?
  • (during the chatter) Growin' a beard out here, waitin' for some action!
  • (stepping up to bat) Watch this one, Slick!
  • (getting picked) Listen here, Slick, you made the right decision!

Backyard Baseball We Want A Batter Song

Vicki Kawaguchi[edit]

  • I'm going to be a ballerina when I grow up.
  • My name is Vicki Kawaguchi. My brother's name is Kenny. He's in a wheelchair. Can I go now?
  • One time, I was practicing my pirouette and I got so dizzy, I barfed. But don't tell anyone, okay? But it was really gross and stuff, because I just ate a grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup. Promise you won't tell?
  • (getting picked) Hooray!
  • (stepping up to bat) Don't throw the ball fast, okay?
  • (stepping up to bat) Here comes the graceful ballerina to the plate.
  • (after getting struck out) Stupid baseball is for babies!
  • (after getting struck out) That's okay.
  • (getting tired) I'm tired of pitching. Can I stop now?
  • (getting tired) I don't wanna pitch anymore, please?
  • My mommy says I'm her little butterfly and daddy calls me his baseball swan. Kenny calls me pipsqueak.

External links[edit]

Wikipedia has an article about:

Backyard Baseball We Want A Batter Cake

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