Backyard Baseball Characters Pablo

Pete Wheeler is a recurring playable character in the'Backyard Sports' series. He is notable for his physical speed, yet mental slowness. Pete is shown to have orange hair. He is relatively tall, and wears a white pullover. Jun 22, 2004  Backyard Baseball It's Junior Sports For Kids 5-10 (CD-ROM) More Buying Choices $10.50 (1 used offer). Pablo sanchez backyard baseball bases Go back to filtering menu. Response must be less that 100,000 characters Thank you for your feedback.

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The Secret Life of the Backyard Kids is probably the most famous Backyard SportsFan Ficthat doesn't have anything to do with sports. It was written by a girl known as rose64bud in Deviant ART, who started publishing it from November 2011 to June 2012.

TSLOTBK is different from most fanfictions written by teenage girls. There's Ho Yay but no slash, and no Mary Sue. It's late 2008, and Jorge Garcia had just outran Pablo Sanchez on all fours, but he doesn't know why. He finds out he has magic powers, and that the reason he outran Pablo was because he was so powerful. He uses his powers to defeat an Alpha Bitch, Tiffany Stevens, all the while, trying to live a normal life. What's more, Achmed starts a budding romance with Samantha Pearce, even though Tiffany is his girlfriend.


Also, in a (probable) life-threatening situation for Jorge, he transforms into a panther to protect himself, and gains Super Strength and Super Speed from the experience. He tries to live a normal life while his shell peeks out, and tries to keep his identity secret from his friends Dmitri, Achmed, Angela, Reese, and Tony. But Tiffany is always after him...

It's on deviantART here.

Backyard baseball characters pablo y


Backyard Baseball Characters Pablo Images

  • Adaptational Badass: Jorge went from a Spoiled BratNeat Freak to a badass who outran Pablo Sanchez on all fours.
  • Adrenaline Makeover: Samantha Pearce goes from 'cute surfer girl' to 'rock chick.' Subverted in that she (apparently_ only looks that way in Chapter 9. Jorge might be an even better example, despite being male, going from Dirty CowardPretty Boy to a Tall, Dark, and Handsomenote badass Anti-Hero.
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  • Alpha Bitch: Tiffany Stevens, to the Nth degree.
  • Anti-Hero: Jorge's starts out as a Type I, and is usually a Type II but on his bad days he's a Type III or, on his really bad days, type IV.note
  • Beauty Is Never Tarnished: Averted by Tiffany, played straight by Jorge. Also, the above aversion lead to a string of events in story. Lola, too, after her fight.
  • Broken Bird / Troubled, but Cute: Jorge, who's mother is dead, father pressures him to be perfect, and has powers he doesn't want.
  • The Cheerleader: The first chapter describes Tiffany Stevens as one of these.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl / Satellite Love Interest: Angela
  • Combat Stilettos: Tiffany wears high heels in chapter six...until she snaps her fingers and turns into a cat.
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  • Coy, Girlish Flirt Pose: Invoked by Angela when she's trying to flirt with Jorge.
  • Cute and Psycho: Tiffany.
  • Dark Action Girl: Tiffany.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: Jorge, who dresses up like Zorro.
  • Evil Redhead: Tiffany.
  • Expy: Jorge is a male version of Sailor Moon crossed with Zorro.
  • Growing Muscles Sequence: Jorge's graphic transformation into a panther caused his skinny physique to bulk up.
  • High School Hustler: Achmed, the most popular kid in school.
  • I Just Want to Be Normal / Lonely Rich Kid: Jorge.
  • Latin Lover / Chick Magnet / Kid-anova: Jorge.
    >Why is everyone fall for Jorge?
  • Lean and Mean: Fan art shows Tiffany as this.
  • Megane: Jorge Garcia.
  • Missing Mom: Jorge's mom died when he was little.
  • Morning Routine: Chapter 4.
  • Mr. Fanservice: All the guys except Pablo, Reese, and maybe Dmitri. Jorge is an egregious case of this.
  • Ordinary High-School Student / Wake Up, Go to School, Save the World: Jorge, though he's in middle school.
  • Pretty Boy: Jorge and Tony.
  • Princely Young Man: Jorge. He even lampshades it in chapter seven, when he describes his transformation.
  • Redheaded Stepchild: Not literally, but when Dmitri tells his mom Jorge threw him through a wall, she assumed he started it-yeah...
  • Rich Bitch: Tiffany Stevens. Jorge is a subversion, what with him being a Good Is Not NiceJerk with a Heart of Gold.
  • Running on All Fours: In the first chapter, this is how Jorge finds out he has superpowers.
  • Sharp-Dressed Man / Badass in a Nice Suit: Jorge was a Sharp-Dressed Man during Backyard Sports, so there's no doubt he'll be one here. He's also an Adaptational Badass, invoking the latter trope.
  • Shopping Montage: Achmed invokes this with Sam.
  • Shorttank: Sam, the plucky Tomboy who just moved to Bricksfield.
  • Six Student Clique:
    • The Head: Jorge
    • The Muscle: Achmed
    • The Quirk: Tony
    • The Pretty One: Angela
    • The Smart One: Dmitri
    • The Wild One: Sam
  • Tall, Dark, and Handsome: Jorge. Angela even lampshades it!
  • Transformation Sequence: Jorge gets a ratherdisturbingone.
  • Where The Hell Is Bricksfield?: Apparently, Bricksfield is a county in Seattle.


Available Platform: Windows

Backyard Baseball is a baseball game created by Humongous Entertainment and released for Windows and Macintosh in 1997.


91/100 based on 4 editorial reviews. Add your vote

PublisherHumongous Entertainment
DeveloperHumongous Entertainment
OS supportedWindows XP, 2000 & Windows 7, MacOS 10.6-10.14
Updated2 November 2019

Game Review

Backyard Baseball

Backyard Baseball Characters Pablo

Backyard Baseball Characters Pablo Pictures

Backyard Baseball is a baseball game created by Humongous Entertainment and released for Windows and Macintosh in 1997.

It's the first of a long series of successful titles, the last one of which was released in 2015.

The idea of a videogame about kids playing baseball was developed by Nick Mirkovich, illustrator and animator. He presented the concept to the legendary Ron Gilbert (not only the creator of Maniac Mansion but also the founder of Humongous), and after a while, he approved. The design team was made of Mirkovich, Richard Moe (a programmer), and Mark Peyser (a graphic designer).

The game created by the trio was brilliant and totally unique. High-quality hand-drawn cartoon graphics, fluid animations, excellent gameplay, and, most importantly, a fantastic character design. The baseball players, 30 kids, were designed with their own look&feel and personality. Vaguely inspired to the Peanuts, they are also a great example of diversity: 15 boys, 15 girls, all in different sizes, colors, and races.

Backyard Baseball Characters Pablo

Somehow the kids remind me of movies such as The Bad News Bears (an amazing 1976 movie with Walter Matthau), and 'The sandlot', except that in the game, there are many more girls :)

Anyway, the kids in Backyard Baseball are so cute it's impossible not to fall in love with them. For each one of them, composer Rhett Mathis created a specific theme song. This was probably one of the most memorable elements of this game.

As you could expect from a sports sim, there are also top players. In this case, the real star is a short kid called Pablo Sanchez. Even if he looks like the worst player, he is the greatest one, and everybody loved him. Believe it or not, Pablo Sanchez is one of the most beloved videogames characters ever created.

Curiously, Backyard Baseball was developed using the SCUMM game engine, the same used in many graphics adventure. It's a great example of the flexibility of the engine invented by Ron Gilbert. Apparently, creating a sports sim was totally possible. The basic mechanic is indeed quite simple. Still, the game supports different fields, tournaments, different stats for the players, and even a sort of Mario Kart-style power-ups.

Backyard Baseball is simply one of the most popular videogames ever created. So what are you waiting for? Download and play it!

Review by: Manu
Published: 3 November 2019, 5:13 pm